I've been reading SFX Magazine since issue #1 and was delighted when they added a column devoted to all things horror. The only thing wrong with Penny Dreadful's monthly contribution is that there's not enough of it. That being the case I figured she would be a perfect choice to contribute a My Top 5 Horror Movies piece to Afraid of the Dark; partly it was because I thought it would be cool to have a respected horror columnist do a piece for us but mostly it was just because I was interested in finding out what horror movies float her boat above all others. So without (much) further ado I will leave you in the hands of Penny Dreadful but not before I thank her. Her's is a damn cool list that contains a fistful of horror classics that are close to my heart also. So cheers.
Like most horror fans I’m often asked what I love about the
genre, with a mixture of fascination and disgust. My answer varies from day to
day: the survivalist mentality; the possibilities of the unfettered
imagination; a safe place to explore the dark side; a love of stories, myths,
legends. For today though, my answer is diversity. The sheer range of tropes,
themes, styles, tones and subgenres that exist under the horror umbrella (the
horror umbrella is like a normal umbrella only it’s made of, err, human skin.
Keeps you dry but kind of stinky and disgusting…). I’ve tried to pick a
range. The choice is endless.
1. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - The best horror film ever made – whether Tobe Hooper knew it
at the time or not. Opening shots into direct sunlight, the last half hour
scored with relentless screaming, it's an ordeal to watch. Not fun, not
frivolous, not glib, but horrible and important. This is true horror, a
reaction to Vietnam that presents real characters and strips them of their
humanity – a slasher, perhaps, an exploitation movie in more than one sense,
but miles from modern torture porn. Leatherface isn't interested in ritual
humiliation – that would be to see the Hardestys and their friends as
individuals. A slaughterhouse reject – Leatherface kills people as he would
cattle. Mallet to the head, door slams, the end. I came to this film late – age
19 or 20. It disturbed me and fascinated me. The production design alone is
incredible and it's the detail that makes this movie so perfect for me. The
dead armadillo, the drunk screaming 'I've seen things!', the teeming spiders
web. Hideous. Brilliant.
3. Ringu - Without exception the film that scared me more than any
other. It was on telly. I'd never seen an Asian horror movie before, (that
whole wave hadn't yet hit the UK). I knew nothing about it other than it was
horror. I thought I was going to die for a week after. The genius of Ringu (not
true of the remake) is its incredible sense of the uncanny. Take the haunted
videotape itself, which of course it forces the audience to watch start to
finish before we even know what it really is thus making us complicit. Flies. A
woman with a cloth on her head. Some writing. An eye. Who knows what it is
we're looking at – there's no true explanation it's just wrong, wrong in
a primal, instinctive way. Same with the now oft-ripped-off way Sadako moves,
in the final, unbearable shock scene that I still can't watch without feeling
uncomfortable. It's weird. It's wrong. It's uncanny. The other thing that of
course makes Ringu a work of bloody genius is that it breaks the glass screen.
There's a piece of learned wisdom first world viewers accept without thinking
about it – the glass screen of the TV or the cinema separates real from not
real. We don't think about it, but it's there. It's why we scream at horror
houses, but rarely out loud in movies. But Ringu, the scary little bastard, not
only forces you to watch the haunted tape, uses TV as it's means of 'getting
you' (and who doesn't have a TV somewhere in the house?) but also
subconsciously makes it very clear: the glass screen does not protect you.
Sadako is coming through that glass screen, and she's going to literally scare
you to death. It was my obsession with this movie and the need to 'normalise'
it – prove to myself it was just a film – that is directly responsible for my
4. Carrie - The great thing about half-arsed remakes is sometimes they
really help you to put a finger on exactly what it is you love about the
original film. So it was with Kimberly Peirce's stultifyingly average take on
Stephen King's first novel, which painted over all the things I love most about
De Palma's movie. For a start Sissy Spacek – while Chloe Grace Moretz is a fine
actress she's too self possessed for this part. Spacek is perfect. Paper-thin.
Translucent skinned. Probably smells weird. Carrie is the victim's victim,
fucked up so monumentally by her mother you know she's not going to be ok.
Lost, confused, overwhelmed by the late onset of puberty and her burgeoning
power, bullied by the other kids, unable to just be normal, she's so unbearably
tragic. Most heartbreaking scene: the spinning dance sequence before a bucket
of pig’s blood ruins everything. For once, for perhaps the only time ever,
she's beautiful, happy and Tommy's dancing with her because he genuinely wants
to. I also love this movie because of its very strong female focus – mothers
and daughters, the horrors of adolescence and the particular kinds of cruelty
young women are capable of, topped off with the wonderful/terrible finale,
showcasing the uncontrollable vengeful power of a female, without, crucially,
make it anything to do with rape.
5. Dead Ringers - There needed to be a Cronenberg. This is my favourite
Cronenberg. It's not as strongly identified as horror as, say, The Fly,
Shivers, Rabid, Scanners etc, which are all excellent movies, but this is the
one I love the most. Another 'taped off the telly' special from my teenage
years, there's something about Ringers I find weirdly seductive – which I know
sounds a bit messed up, but I stand by it. I think it's fitting that
Cronenberg's psycho-sexual nightmare should break taboos and cross lines,
inside and outside the narrative. Without the gynaecological instruments for
mutant women, drug addiction and psychosis, there's a romance, a melodrama and
a family tragedy somewhere in Dead Ringers. It's a bravura performance – or
rather TWO bravura performances - from Jeremy Irons as co-dependent twin
gynaecologists Beverley and Elliot Mantel, and while Dead Ringers isn't scary
in the way other entries on this list are, it's certainly disturbing and
unsettling, and ultimately just really sad. I love this kind of heavily
character- and narrative-driven horror, where you're dying to know how the film
will end. Darkly fascinating.
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